Thursday, March 6, 2014

Facebook also become self-flying aircraft

A new report published by TechCrunch says that Facebook is considering the acquisition of Titan Aerospace , the aircraft manufacturer based on solar energy , which make near - orbital flights and governed themselves without a pilot .
The social networking giant will use self - flying planes to deliver Internet perhaps in those parts of the world that currently has no access to Internet service , said according to the report , which stresses that the cost of acquisition of the company by Facebook will be close to 60 million dollars .

The purpose of the acquisition of Titan Aerospace is consistent with the known intention initiative , which aims to provide Internet access for two -thirds of the world that are now without him.

The report claims that Facebook is " in talks " with Titan . If agreement is reached , the Titan will start building 11,000 unmanned aircraft , to provide Internet in Africa , initially .

Titan planes filled by a battery pack which make withdrawal of energy from the sun


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