Monday, March 31, 2014

Tips for more comfortable browsing with Chrome

Potty browser and free from Google company , hides many practical things that can not be seen clearly . If you have been brave and have started to use , bring them some of his tips can derive most benefit .
Google Chrome browser has stirred much interest since it is presented , so is order to describe some of its options can not be seen so easily .

1 . With right click on the button to return to the front page , or tab to move to the next , you can find a list of websites that Chrome already has opened .

2 . The closed tab can be opened again by mistake on exactly where it has been opened . Suffice it to press the keys Ctrl + Shift + T.

3 . Indicating the sign ' ? ' the window for introducing web address opens the default search cars after ' ? ' just need to type the word that you want to ask .


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