U.S. national security agency , known by the abbreviation NSA , said the U.S. technology giants were aware of its operations for data collection , reports The Guardian .
On the other hand , major U.S. companies had earlier stated that they knew nothing about the NSA plans to PRISM program , denying that helped the NSA 's efforts to intercept their users .
In fact , since the leakage of Edward Snowden documents were published in U.S. newspapers and on various websites on the Internet , technology companies are trying to provide their users that privacy is very important to them , and that these more and more companies are encoded data services on the Internet .
Indeed , some of them have said that they have asked the government to allow the publication of government requirements for disclosure , an action which is recognized as U.S. companies attempt to promote protective measures against the NSA , which is thought to makes considerable collection of data on the Internet
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